
Sunday, July 19, 2009

What Foreigner in Japan activity surprises the Japanese

. Sunday, July 19, 2009

It`s taken from "What Japan Thinks" about foreigner who has lived in Japan, or even just visited for a few days, cannot fail to have heard “You’re good with chopsticks” from their hosts. This survey from goo Ranking into what foreigner in Japan activity surprises the Japanese looked at what other things people were impressed with. Chopsticks did figure in the rankings!


Between the 21st and 23th of May 2008 1,072 members of the goo Research monitor panel completed a private internet-based questionnaire. Exactly 50% of the sample were male, 5.7% in their teens, 12.9% in their twenties, 31.8% in their thirties, 27.5% in their forties, 11.3% in their fifties, and 10.8% aged sixty or older. Note that the score in the results refers to the relative number of votes for each option, not a percentage of the total sample.

Ranking results

Q: What behaviour by foreigners in Japan surprises you? (Sample size=1,072)

Rank Action Score
1 Writing difficult kanji 100
2 Bowing on the telephone 88.1
3 Using dialect 86.0
4 Speaking Japanese fluently 82.5
5 Using proverbs, idioms 77.1
6 Eating natto 74.1
7 Habitually using chopsticks 68.2
8 Getting drunk with tie tied around head 64.3
9 Using Japanese era dates, not Western calendar 62.9
10 Singing enka, folk songs 61.0
11 Passing through crowds with a
“suimasen” and the one-handed chop 58.9
12 Sitting “seiza” 56.1
13 Slurping noodles 54.0
14 Dancing a bon dance 37.6
15 Using a toothpick 31.8
16 After a bath drinking fruity milk with one hand on hip 26.6
17 Sleeping on a futon on the floor 25.2
18 Taking off shoes before going indoors 24.3
19 Wearing a kimono, yukata 22.7
20 Queueing properly 20.1


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